Classical Guitar OrganizationA nonprofit organization dedicated to classical guitar in the Houston, Texas area
a community service organization dedicated to the arts through classical guitar
Who We Are
The Gulf Coast Guitar Association is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to classical guitar education, performance and outreach in the Houston, Texas Area.
The corporate leadership is active in business, philanthropy, education and service as community volunteers. We support the arts from the ground up through guitar education and guitar performance in the Houston area.
What We Do
GCGA produces several outreach programs in the Houston area each year including concerts in retirement communities and hospitals, lectures and master classes in schools and colleges, sponsors the annual Houston Classical Guitar Festival & Competition.
Our programs promote fine arts, provide an opportunity for lifelong learning and create a sense of community among classical guitar lovers.
Why We Do It
Our vision is to provide Houston and the surrounding areas the type of artistic programing that every city needs and deserves.
We know once people experience first-hand the beauty and emoting power of a musical instrument in live performance, they will be affected on an emotional level and want to hear more. We also know that once people see young students learning from our teachers and the positive effect it has on their lives and development that they will want to support our cause more.

Providing Houston and the surrounding areas with classical guitar programs that every city needs and deserves
To learn more about our mission to create a sense of community through the classical guitar, learn of future events and view new releases please continue.